Publicly Accessible Project Highlights
Public GIS resources to help the community find resources, tools, and information. County Map Applications, Dashboards, and Open Data for downloading are included.
Includes ArcGIS Hub, Web AppBuilder Applications, Operations Dashboards, Experience Builder, Survey123 and Open Data.
Public GIS resource to help with Noxious weed identification, reporting and historic data referencing. Public can run a proximity buffer analysis to find noxious weeds reported near their home and also track current data as it is entered by the Weed Department.
Includes ArcGIS Hub, Near Me Application, Experience Builder, Survey123 and Interactive Legend Application.
Public and stakeholder resource that tells a story of wildfires over 37 years and provides interactive filtering of data and interactive analysis options. Stakeholders can filter by fire details and run a proximity buffer analysis to find historic wildfires within specified distance of locations.
Includes Tabbed Story Map with embedded Time-Aware Story Maps, Web AppBuilders and R+Shiny Application.
A dashboard to help the Payette Land Trust communicate with the community about their service area boundaries, conservation easement locations, and fee title property locations.
Includes an Experience Builder Application
A portfolio instant app created with multiple tabs to show pavement conditions and life expectancy, bridge and culvert conditions, road maintenance network designations and current FY projects.
Includes a Portfolio Instant Application embedded Operations Dashboards.
A story map that was created to be a presentation pitch for a non-profit's fundraising. It helped to successfully raise the funds needed to purchase the Riverside space for the community.
Includes a modern story map with embedded Web Maps and Operations Dashboard.
An interactive dashboard created to stream statistics about registered voters in Valley County. Users can filter display results by voter precinct or view statistics of entire County.
Includes an Operations Dashboard with map of Precinct Boundaries, graph of voter ages and multiple panels that show percentages of party and gender.
A public resource for streaming assessors and treasurer's parcel and tax data. Includes the ability to click on links within the map to view full-sized Assessor's Plats, Subdivision plats, Property Transfer Deeds and full parcel summary reports. All are downloadable as PDF's.
Includes a Web AppBuilder (Developers) with custom report layout build with Geocrotex Reporting Widget.